Create New Excel Then Add Data like example below
Create new sheet for data to format email like below
Go to tab developer click visual basic
Create new module
Copy and paste code in below
Sub CompileEmail() lastrow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'MsgBox lastrow 'lastcolumn = Sheet3.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Workbooks.Add j = 3 For i = 1 To lastrow Range("A" & i).Value = Sheet1.Range("A" & j) j = j + 1 Next 'Step 4 Turn off application alerts Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'Step 5 Save the newly created workbook a = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Makro_Create_New_And_Email_" & Replace(Replace(Replace(Now, "/", "_"), " ", "_"), ":", "_") & ".xlsx" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _ Filename:=a 'Step 6 Turn application alerts back on Application.DisplayAlerts = True Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application Dim MItem As Outlook.MailItem Dim cell As Range Dim Subj As String Dim EmailAddr As String Dim Recipient As String Dim msg As String 'Create Outlook object Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application 'condition the rows If Sheet2.Range("B3").Value Like "*@*" Then EmailAddr = "" & Sheet2.Range("B3") End If If Sheet2.Range("B4").Value Like "*@*" Then EmailCC = "" & Sheet2.Range("B4") End If 'add subject to message Subj = "" & Sheet2.Range("B5") 'Compose message msg = "" & Sheet2.Shapes("TextBox 1").TextFrame.Characters.Text 'Create Mail Item and view before sending Set MItem = OutlookApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) With MItem .To = EmailAddr .CC = EmailCC .Subject = Subj .Body = msg .Display 'change to .send if you want to send it before review 'Attach File .attachments.Add a End With End Sub
On the sheet1 add new button and assign macro name Compile Email()
here is the result
Demo Video
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